What is meant by a field in XAM? According to Section 3.1.5 of the XAM specification v1.0, Part 1, a field is
a piece of uniquely identifiable data that can be attached to an XSet, an XSystem, or a XAM Library.More concretely, a field has a name, a number of attributes that describe how to interact with the object, and a value. Any XAM primary object, i.e. an XSystem, an XSet, or a XAM Library object can contain one or more fields.
Field names are case sentitive UTF-8 encoded strings with a maximum length of 512 bytes and no embedded NULL characters. To avoid namespace clashes, the field namespace is allocated between SNIA, XAM storage system vendors and XAM application vendors. The following table shows the currently reserved namespace for field names:
[table id=7 /]
To avoid field namespace clashes between XAM storage system vendors in the remaining unreserved namespace and aleviate the need for a central XAM field name registry, the first portion of a vendor field name shall be the vendor's domain name in reverse order, followed by the vendor-defined field name, e.g. com.emc.centera.xam.vim.version.
As mentionly previously a field can have attributes. The following four attributes are mandated by the XAM specification:
[table id=8 /]
Two distinct types of fields exist: a property and an XStream. For the purposes of this post, we are only interested in fields which are properties as defined in section 3.1.12 of the XAM specification, i.e
a field whose MIME type attribute is one of the XAM-defined simple types (stypes).
Here is a list of the specified XAM stypes:
[table id=9 /]
Turning now to the two objects that we are interested in, namely the XAM Library object and the XSystem object.
XAM Library properties are always nonbinding i.e. a change in the property value does not trigger the creation of a new XSet with a corresponding new XUID. Some may be readonly and intended to be only inspected by the application. Others such as .xam.log.level may be modifiable by a XAM application to effect a change in the behavior of the XAM Library object. Note however that changes are not persisted by the XAM Library.
Here is the list of the mandated properties for the XAM Library:
[table id=1 /]
An XSystem property is strongly typed to help XAM application interoperability. The stype is checked and the actual MIME type is set based on the specific method that the XAM application uses to create the field. A number of other field consistency checks are also done by an XSystem including checking that field names do not begin with a period, are a valid xam_string and do not have embedded NULLs. See section 6.3.5 of the XAM specification for a complete description of the field consistency checks.
Here is the list of mandated properties for an XSystem object:
[table id=2 /]
Here is a simple Java application which iterates over the list of available fields and output the fields which match the specified field prefix or all fields if no prefix is entered. It uses the XAM FieldIterator class to retrieve the requested fields from either the SNIA-XAM SDK reference VIM or a third party VIM such as the EMC Centera VIM.
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.snia.xam.XAMLibrary;
import org.snia.xam.XAMLibraryObj;
import org.snia.xam.XAMException;
import org.snia.xam.XSystem;
import org.snia.xam.XSet;
import org.snia.xam.XIterator;
import org.snia.xam.toolkit.XAMXUID;
import org.snia.xam.util.XAMLibraryFactory;
import org.snia.xam.FieldContainer;
import org.snia.xam.XUID;
import org.snia.xam.base.XAMImplementation;
import org.snia.xam.util.SASLUtils;
import org.snia.xam.vim.reference.ReferenceAuthenticationStatus;
import org.snia.xam.vim.reference.utils.ReferenceSaslUtils;
public class XamFieldIterator {
private static XAMLibrary xamLib;
private static XSystem xSystem;
protected static String xri;
public static boolean IS_REFERENCE_VIM = false;
public static final String TEST_PROP_FILE = "xam.test.props";
public static final String XRI_PROP = "xam.test.xri";
public static final String CONFIG_PROP = "xam.test.vims";
public static final String USER_PROP = "xam.test.username";
public static final String PASS_PROP = "xam.test.password";
protected static final String DEFAULT_USER = "test";
protected static final String DEFAULT_PASS = "test";
protected static String s_pass;
protected static String s_user;
public static void initLibrary() throws Exception {
if (xamLib == null) {
System.out.println("\nInitializing VIM");
Properties props = new Properties();
String testPropFile = System.getProperty(TEST_PROP_FILE);
if (testPropFile == null)
testPropFile = TEST_PROP_FILE;
System.out.println("Loading test properties from file: " + testPropFile);
props.load(new FileInputStream(testPropFile));
xri = props.getProperty(XRI_PROP);
s_user = props.getProperty(USER_PROP, DEFAULT_USER);
s_pass = props.getProperty(PASS_PROP, DEFAULT_PASS);
// XAM Library loads the VIM name and associated Java implementation class
System.out.println("Loading the VIM using the Java XAM Library.");
System.out.println("VIM Configuration contained in file: " +
xamLib = new XAMImplementation(props.getProperty(CONFIG_PROP));
private static XSystem connectToVIM(String xri) throws Exception {
XSystem xsystem = null;
xsystem = xamLib.connect(xri);
return xsystem;
private static void authenticate(XSystem system) throws XAMException {
String defMech = system.getString(XSystem.XAM_XSYSTEM_AUTH_SASL_DEFAULT);
ByteArrayOutputStream response = new ByteArrayOutputStream(200);
byte[] inputData = null;
int retValue = 0;
if (defMech.equals(ReferenceSaslUtils.SASL_MECHANISM_ANONYMOUS)) {
retValue = system.authenticate(inputData, response);
} else if (defMech.equals(SASLUtils.SASL_PLAIN)) {
byte[] creds = ReferenceSaslUtils.encodeSASLPlain(null,
retValue = system.authenticate(creds, response);
} else {
throw new XAMException("Unknown default SASL mechanism " + defMech);
// Validate return status value
if (retValue != XSystem.XAM_SASL_COMPLETE) {
throw new XAMException("Failed to authenticate.");
/* a FieldContainer is a XAM superclass for the 3 primary objects (XAMLibrary, XSystem, XSet) */
private static void iterateFields(FieldContainer fieldContainer, String prefix) throws XAMException {
String fieldName;
String fieldType;
String fieldValue;
String fieldBinding;
String fieldReadOnly;
XIterator xIterator = fieldContainer.openFieldIterator(prefix);
while (xIterator.hasNext()) {
fieldName = (String)xIterator.next();
fieldType = fieldContainer.getFieldType(fieldName);
fieldBinding = fieldContainer.getFieldBinding(fieldName) != true ? "NB" : "BI";
fieldReadOnly = fieldContainer.getFieldReadOnly(fieldName) != true ? "RW" : "RO";
if (fieldType.equals(XAMLibrary.STYPE_BOOLEAN_MIME_TYPE))
fieldValue = fieldContainer.getBoolean(fieldName) != true ? "false" : "true";
else if (fieldType.equals(XAMLibrary.STYPE_INT_MIME_TYPE))
fieldValue = Long.toString(fieldContainer.getLong(fieldName));
else if (fieldType.equals(XAMLibrary.STYPE_DOUBLE_MIME_TYPE))
fieldValue = Double.toString(fieldContainer.getDouble(fieldName));
else if (fieldType.equals(XAMLibrary.STYPE_XUID_MIME_TYPE))
fieldValue = fieldContainer.getXUID(fieldName).toString();
else if (fieldType.equals(XAMLibrary.STYPE_STRING_MIME_TYPE))
fieldValue = fieldContainer.getString(fieldName);
else if (fieldType.equals(XAMLibrary.STYPE_DATETIME_MIME_TYPE)) {
Calendar now = fieldContainer.getDateTime(fieldName);
int Y = now.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int M = now.get(Calendar.MONTH);
int D = now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
int h = now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int m = now.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int s = now.get(Calendar.SECOND);
fieldValue = Y + "-" + M + "-" + D + " " + h + ":" + m + ":" + s;
} else
fieldValue = fieldContainer.getFieldLength(fieldName) + " bytes";
System.out.println(String.format("%s (%s) %s %s \"%s\"",
fieldName, fieldType, fieldBinding, fieldReadOnly, fieldValue));
public static void main(String[] args) {
long exitCode = 0;
InputStreamReader inputReader = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader(inputReader);
try {
/* simple check for command line option of "-r" */
if (args.length == 1 ) {
if (args[0].equals("-r"))
System.out.println("Connecting to XSystem " + xri + "\n");
xSystem = connectToVIM(xri);
} else {
xri = "snia-xam://centera_vim!";
xamLib = XAMLibraryFactory.newXAMLibrary();
System.out.println("Connecting to XSystem " + xri + "\n");
xSystem = xamLib.connect(xri);
System.out.print("Enter prefix to filter results (blank for all): ");
String prefix = stdin.readLine();
iterateFields(xSystem, prefix);
System.out.println( "\nClosed connection to XSystem" );
} catch (XAMException xe) {
System.err.println("XAM ERROR: " + xe.getMessage());
exitCode = 1;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
exitCode = 1;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("IO ERROR: " + e.getMessage());
exitCode = 1;
} catch (Exception ex) {
exitCode = 1;
System.exit((int) exitCode);
Here is the set of fields, i.e those fields which start with .xam. for the XAMLibrary object when the application is connected to an EMC Centera using EMC's XAM VIM. It is followed by the set of fields, i.e. those fields starting with .xsystem., for an XSystem object which we create using this XAMLibrary object.
$ java XamFieldIterator
Connecting to XSystem snia-xam://centera_vim!XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX?/home/fpm/xam/xamconnect.pea
Enter prefix to filter results (blank for all): .xam
.xam.log.component.filter (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW ""
.xam.log.message.filter (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW ""
.xam.log.max.rollovers (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "1"
.xam.log.max.size (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "1048576"
.xam.log.append (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RW "false"
.xam.log.format (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "1"
.xam.log.path (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW "xam.log"
.xam.log.verbosity (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "0"
.xam.log.level (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "0"
Closed connection to XSystem
$ java XamFieldIterator
Connecting to XSystem snia-xam://centera_vim!XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX?/home/fpm/xam/xamconnect.pea
Enter prefix to filter results (blank for all): .xsystem
.xsystem.auth.identity.authorization (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "xam_challenge"
.xsystem.auth.identity.authentication (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "xam_challenge"
.xsystem.limits.maxSizeOfXStream (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RO "107374182400"
.xsystem.limits.maxFieldsPerXSet (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RO "9223372036854775807"
.xsystem.identity (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "EMC Centera, ID# 34372862-1dd2-11b2-aea0-f013836b5e75"
.xsystem.auth.SASLmechanism.list.ANONYMOUS (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.SASLmechanism.list.PLAIN (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.SASLmechanism.default (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "ANONYMOUS"
.xsystem.time (application/vnd.snia.xam.datetime) NB RO "2009-5-28 15:10:42"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.read (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.write-application (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.write-system (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.create (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.delete (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.job (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.job-commit (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.hold (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.retention-event (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.job.list.xam.job.query (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.expiration (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RO "-1"
.xsystem.access (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.job.commit.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.job.xam.job.query.continuance.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.job.xam.job.query.level2.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.job.xam.job.query.level1.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.deletion.autodelete (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.deletion.shred (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.management.policy.default (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "default"
.xsystem.management.policy.list.default (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "default"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.0seconds (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "0seconds"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.10min (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "10min"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.1day (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "1day"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.1hr (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "1hr"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.30days (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "30days"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.60days (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "60days"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.CBR_EMail (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "CBR_EMail"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.CBR_Email (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "CBR_Email"
.xsystem.retention.duration.policy.list.CBR_PACS (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "CBR_PACS"
.xsystem.log.level (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "0"
.xsystem.log.verbosity (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "0"
.xsystem.log.path (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW "centera_vim.log"
Closed connection to XSystem
Here are the corresponding outputs when the application instead connects to the SNIA XAM-SDK reference VIM which incidently is written completely in Java; hence the need for two different factory methods in our application.
$ java XamFieldIterator -r
Initializing VIM
Loading test properties from file: xam.test.props
Loading the VIM using the Java XAM Library.
VIM Configuration contained in file: ../config/ReferenceVIM.config
Connecting to XSystem snia-xam://SNIA_Reference_VIM!localhost?dir=/home/fpm/xam/xam_storage
Enter prefix to filter results (blank for all): .xam
.xam.apiLevel (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW "01.00.00"
.xam.identity (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW "SNIA XAM Java Library v1.0"
.xam.log.append (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RW "false"
.xam.log.level (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "1"
.xam.log.max.rollovers (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "1"
.xam.log.max.size (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "10"
.xam.log.path (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW "SNIA-XAM.log"
.xam.log.verbosity (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RW "1"
.xam.vim.list.SNIA_Reference_VIM (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RW "SNIA_Reference_VIM"
Closed connection to XSystem
$ java XamFieldIterator -r
Initializing VIM
Loading test properties from file: xam.test.props
Loading the VIM using the Java XAM Library.
VIM Configuration contained in file: ../config/ReferenceVIM.config
Connecting to XSystem snia-xam://SNIA_Reference_VIM!localhost?dir=/home/fpm/xam/xam_storage
Enter prefix to filter results (blank for all): .xsystem
.xsystem.access (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.access.policy.list.read (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "Read"
.xsystem.access.policy.list.write-application (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "Write-application"
.xsystem.access.policy.list.write-system (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "Write-system"
.xsystem.auth.SASLmechanism.default (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "PLAIN"
.xsystem.auth.SASLmechanism.list.ANONYMOUS (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.SASLmechanism.list.PLAIN (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.expiration (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RO "-1"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.create (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.delete (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.hold (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.job (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.job-commit (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.read (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.retention-event (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.write-application (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.granule.list.write-system (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.auth.identity.authentication (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO ""
.xsystem.auth.identity.authorization (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO ""
.xsystem.deletion.autodelete (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.deletion.shred (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.identity (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO "ultra.localdomain File System"
.xsystem.job.commit.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.job.list.xam.job.query (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.job.xam.job.query.continuance.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.job.xam.job.query.level1.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "true"
.xsystem.job.xam.job.query.level2.supported (application/vnd.snia.xam.boolean) NB RO "false"
.xsystem.limits.maxFieldsPerXSet (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RO "10000"
.xsystem.limits.maxSizeOfXStream (application/vnd.snia.xam.int) NB RO "9223372036854775807"
.xsystem.management.policy.default (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO ".org.snia.refvim.default.mgmt.policy"
.xsystem.management.policy.list..org.snia.refvim.default.mgmt.policy (application/vnd.snia.xam.string) NB RO ".org.snia.refvim.default.mgmt.policy"
.xsystem.time (application/vnd.snia.xam.datetime) NB RO "2009-5-29 10:24:0"
Closed connection to XSystem
Happy Independence Day!